Saturday 19 September 2015

Sept 19 2015

Video games have always been a huge part of my life. I grew up with Runescape, Star fox, Super Mario, Star Craft, and many other PC and console games. 

One thing that really stuck to me was MMORPGS - Guild wars, Guild Wars 2, WoW, Tera, etc.  I've always enjoyed healing, especially in PvP.  The skill and awareness needed for PvP made it extra fun.  

A lot of people always say healer class is too easy and boring. DPS is actually the easier class. Tanking and healing are the harder classes across almost all games.  Healing's only easy if you stay to PvE. There is no dynamic really; same rotation of skills.  But when you add in stuns, silences, unpredictability provided by other players, skill shows a lot more. I love challenging other players and myself, so healing in PvP is one of the funnest experiences I have in gaming.

Starcraft taught me macroing and microing. Though my parents repeatedly tell me how video games are a waste of time and a bad influence, it's clear that it depends on the games you pick to play.  As an avid PvPer, the microing and macroing skills have transferred well into real life.  I'm really grateful I had the chance to play such awesome video games.  Currently working as a line cook, those skills I acquired from gaming have aided me greatly in managing bill times while making food.  I was afraid when I was put in charge, I would not be able to keep track of everything that's going on.

Of course, there are games just for the fun, and sometimes feels train. The Legend of Zelda and Samus series are some of my favourites in terms of story and gameplay. 
People who look down / make fun of N64 and old games don't realize graphics don't make the game. Super Mario Bros is a perfect example.  Miyamoto is a genius. I don't know if you ever watched or read his inteviews but he puts an insanely amount of thought into how his audience would react.  Every step of the game he thinks through what the player would do, and adjusts the game accordingly. 

Although I do not have the ability , nor see myself being a game designer, I hope to achieve the same dedication and become a great Chef.

~ Vi

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